Dr Clarissa Barratt

June 2024 Training Update

Author: Clarissa Barratt

Our courses for the second half of 2024 have now been released. We have everything from the very basics of R and Python for data science, to advanced statistical modelling and machine learning. Interested in dashboards and reporting? We have courses on reporting with Quarto, as well as both introductory and advanced Shiny.

SatRdays London 2024: Speakers

Author: Clarissa Barratt

SatRdays London is fast approaching and we are happy to announce our full lineup of speakers for the event! Read on for more info. If you want to join the fun, head over to the conference website to sign up!

Events at Jumping Rivers 2024

Author: Clarissa Barratt

We're a couple of weeks into 2024, and now that we've all settled back in, we thought it was a good time to let you know what events we have coming up for you this year!

Training Lineup for 2024: January-June

Author: Clarissa Barratt

All of our public training courses for the first half of 2024 are now available to book! Head over to the public courses page on our website to book in and start building your programming skills in the new year! In this blog post, we provide a list of all of our upcoming courses with a description, upcoming dates, course level and a link to the page to find out more!

SatRdays London 2024

Author: Clarissa Barratt

SatRdays is returning to London in April 2024! We're excited to welcome you to Bush House again next year. Want to get even more involved? Read on to find out how you can submit an abstract for a talk!

Shiny in Production: Sponsors

Author: Clarissa Barratt

There's only two weeks left to go until Shiny in Production 2023! The events team are hard at work getting things ready for the day, and we wanted to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to our event sponsors!


Author: Clarissa Barratt

Our bags are packed, flights are booked, and we're ready to head stateside for posit::conf(2023). We're excited to be sponsoring the event this year, as well as presenting a few talks ourselves.

RSS International Conference 2023

Authors: Clarissa Barratt & Rhian Davies

The Royal Statistical Society International conference is next week and Jumping Rivers are exhibiting at the conference, as well as delivering workshops and talks. The draft program can now be viewed online, so we wanted to let you know where you can find us at the event and some of the other sessions we are looking forward to.

SatRdays London 2023 - Recordings

Author: Clarissa Barratt

The recordings from this year's SatRdays London conference are here! Over the next couple of weeks, we will be releasing the recordings of some of the excellent talks from the conference!

June Training Update

Author: Clarissa Barratt

This summer, we have public courses to take you all the way from the very basics of R, through to using R for statistical modelling, with some data wrangling and intermediate programming in between. Wherever you are on your R journey, take a look at our upcoming courses to see if we can help you on your way.

Sponsorship: Conference and useR Groups

Author: Clarissa Barratt

Just like the world of data science, our ethos is transparency and giving back to the community. We are offering automatic sponsorship for R conferences. All the organisers have to do is complete a quick questionnaire and the money is sent on it’s way.

SatRdays London 2023: Sponsors

Author: Clarissa Barratt

On 22nd April 2023 we will be hosting SatRdays London, an inclusive, low cost event, which gives R users an opportunity to network and learn from other experts across sectors. In a recent blog post, we introduced all of the speakers for the event! This week, it's the sponsors turn.

SatRdays London 2023: Speakers

Author: Clarissa Barratt

SatRdays London is fast approaching, and we are happy to announce our full lineup of speakers for the event! Read on for more info. If you want to join the fun, head over to the conference website to sign up!

February Training Update

Author: Clarissa Barratt

We have a great list of online public training courses coming up over the next two months! Read on for a taste of what's in store, or head over to our training page for full details and to book!

Events at Jumping Rivers

Author: Clarissa Barratt

At Jumping Rivers we're all about getting involved in the R community! As such, we host multiple events throughout the year. Read on for information about what we have planned so far for 2023!

December Training Update

Author: Clarissa Barratt

If you're thinking of picking up a new skill in the new year, take a look at our upcoming public training courses! We have plenty of introductory courses coming up, both online and in-person, so you can hit the ground running after the holidays!

The Benefits of Learning Data Skills

Author: Clarissa Barratt

It will come as no great surprise that here at Jumping Rivers, we are huge advocates for learning data skills. There are many benefits to learning at least some basic data skills, even if you don't work explicitly with data.

Diffify - 3 months on

Authors: Myles Mitchell & Clarissa Barratt

What a few months it's been for Diffify, our new app for comparing package releases! We’ve been delighted with the enthusiastic response and quick adoption by the R community. Read on to learn about just some of many updates we’ve made to the app since launch day, and how we are actively addressing your feedback as we look to the future.

NEDS Meetup

Author: Clarissa Barratt

If you're based in the North East of England and you're looking for a place to discuss all things data science with like-minded people, then you might want to check out the North East Data Scientist (NEDS) Meetups!

Shiny in Production Update

Author: Clarissa Barratt

The organisation for Shiny in Production is well under way - our list of speakers is now up on the conference website, and registration is open, with Early Bird tickets available until July 31st! Read on for more details.

New training courses

Author: Clarissa Barratt

The trainers here at Jumping Rivers have been busy developing a host of new courses for your programming pleasure! We have recently developed several new courses, which are now available to view on our course list.