Talks to watch at the RSS International Conference

The RSS International Conference 2022 is happening next week from 12-15 September 2022, hosted in Aberdeen for the first time! Jumping Rivers are exhibiting at the conference, as well as delivering workshops and talks. These are a couple of the sessions we’re looking forward to the most!
Spatial modelling and visualisation using R and INLA
This workshop by Dr. Paula Moraga focuses on spatial data. Among other things, you’ll learn how to fit models, create static and interactive visualizations, and build Shiny apps to communicate your results.
When: Wednesday, 14 September, 2022. 09:00-11:50.
Teaching ethics and responsible communication of statistics and models
Training is a big part of what we do at Jumping Rivers, and so we’re always excited to hear about other people’s teaching practices. In this session, featuring three different talks, the focus is on actionable ways to include the topic of ethics in data science when delivering statistical training.
When: Thursday, 15 September, 2022. 14:00-15:00.
Data Science in Industry - an introduction to MLOps
This session will bring leading voices in MLOps to discuss what data scientists need to know about MLOps, and how those working in data science can collaborate with their engineering and ops colleagues.
When: Tuesday, 13 September, 2022. 11:40-13:00.
Jumping Rivers Talks and Events
Early Career Researcher pre-conference workshop
Nicola will be delivering a talk in the presentation skills workshop as part of the Early Career Researcher pre-conference workshop, organised by the Young Statisticians Section. Her talk will discuss how to give better technical presentations.
When: Monday, 12 September, 2022. 14:45-15:45.
Share your Models with R {plumber} APIs
In this talk, Rhian will introduce what an API is, how the {plumber} package works and show you how to share the statistical models you develop with the world.
When: Tuesday, 13 September, 2022. 14:00-15:20.
A quality improvement approach to assessing Knowledge Exchange
Our CEO, Esther, will be on a panel discussing the collaboration between universities and external partners, and how this contributes to Knowledge Exchange (KE) - a vital function of universities in ensuring their knowledge can be used for the benefit of the economy and society.
When: Tuesday, 13 September, 2022. 14:00-15:20.
Don’t Panic! The Ambassadors guide to communicating statistics
Communication is a big part of what we do at Jumping Rivers. In this session, Rhian will be sharing some of the tricks she’s learnt from teaching programming - and how these can be applied to communicating statistical concepts more broadly. This group session will actively engage the audience through a number of exercises to stretch attendees’ communication skills.
When: Wednesday, 14 September, 2022. 10:50-11:50.
Reproducible data reports with Quarto
In this hands-on workshop, Rhian and Nicola will show you how to make reproducible reports using Quarto (the next-generation RMarkdown). Quarto allows users to keep their code and data integrated as they write reports. This means that, with just a click of a button, you can automatically update plots, tables and text when your data changes. In this workshop, we’ll show you how.
Since this session will be interactive, if you’re coming along, please bring a laptop with internet access with you.
When: Thursday, 15 September, 2022. 15:20-16:40.
We’ll also be exhibiting at the conference, so please come and say hello to us!