#SatRdayNCL is back - don't miss out

We are very pleased to announce, as you might already be aware, that SatRday is coming back to Newcastle upon Tyne on 4th April 2020. SatRdays are one-day, non-profit, community organised R conferences held across the world.
Where will it be held?
The event will be held at The Catalyst - right next to St James’ Park. There are vast transport facilities available to you, meaning Newcastle is very easy to get to - there are no excuses for you not to come!
- Train: 90 minutes from Edinburgh or 3 hours from London. The train station is in the middle of Newcastle.
- Plane: Direct flights from Schiphol, Paris, Stansted, Heathrow, Dublin, Belfast. The airport is only 15 minutes from the city centre by taxi.
When will it be held?
The main conference will be held on Saturday April 4th, with a pre-conference tutorial day held in the afternoon of the 3rd. The timings are as follows:
- Tutorials: Friday 3rd April 13:00 - 16:30
- Main conference: Saturday 4th April 9:30 - 16:30
The full schedule can be found on the #SatRdayNCL website.
What are the tutorials on?
- Julia Silge will be running a tutorial on Sentiment Analysis
- Jumping Rivers will be running a tutorial on “How to build an R package”
Tickets to the tutorials are £50 and can be bought online.
Who will be speaking?
We’ve got a fantastic line up of speakers for you this year. You can find out more about our speakers and their talks on the #SatRdayNCL website.
Keynote speakers
- Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel - Senior Lecturer at University of Edinburgh / Educator at RStudio
- Julia Silge - Data Scientist at RStudio
Additional speakers
- Theo Roe - one of our very own Data Scientists at Jumping Rivers
- Stepan Sindelar - Developer at Oracle Labs
- Kenneth McLean - Clinical Research Fellow at University of Edinburgh
- Russ Hyde - Bioinformatician at University of Glasgow
- Emma Vestesson - Senior Data Analyts at the Health Foundation & PhD student at UCL Institute of Child Health
- Pablo De Juan Bernabeu - PhD student at Lancaster University
- Chris Mainey - Senior Statistical Intelligence Analyst at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
How much is the event?
Early bird tickets have unfortunately sold out, however, the next set of tickets for £45 (25% off) are currently for sale. If you aren’t lucky enough to be one of the first 80 to get a ticket, the full price will be £60. Be quick - when they are gone, they really are gone! Buy tickets online.
Submissions to speak have unfortunately closed - but hey, you get to sit back and listen to some of the most talented individuals in the R community.
If you want any more information, don’t hesitate to view the #SatRdayNCL website or e-mail hello@jumpingrivers.com
Cheers and I hope you can make it!
unsplash-logoImage by Andy Kelly