Shiny in Production 2022: A recap

With the planning for this year’s Shiny in Production conference well under way, we thought now was a good time for a little recap of what happened last year.
Day One: Workshops
The first day of the conference consisted of three of workshops delivered by our very own JR trainers.
The most popular workshop of the day was Introduction to RStudio (now Posit) Connect, which we will be running again in the 2023 conference. This workshop demonstrated a few different workflows to allow you to host, share and scale content such as APIs, Shiny applications and R Markdown documents with RStudio Connect.
We also ran a workshop on an Introduction to Tableau, demonstrating the basics of using this software to summarise and interactively visualise data. If you’re interested in learning more about Tableau, take a look at our Tableau courses, Introduction to Tableau and Data Exploration with Tableau.
Last but certainly not least, we ran a workshop on Automated Reporting with Quarto. Quarto is a brand new open source publishing system that allows you to dynamically create static or interactive documents and automatically update reports when data changes. This workshop demonstrated how to make a range of outputs, from simple documents to presentations and dashboards. If you’re interested in learning more about Quarto, we have a Reporting with Quarto course, which you might want to check out.
Day Two: Talks
Last year’s speakers set the bar high for our first conference, and we’re excited to see what this year’s speakers bring to the table! For a full rundown of the talks, take a look at the highlights blog, which was put together by some of our JR data scientists who were in attendance.
If it’s more than just highlights that you’re after, we have a playlist of talk recordings on our YouTube channel.
If this has whet your appetite, our Early Bird tickets are now available! If you want to take an even more active role in the conference, we’re now accepting abstracts. All of the details are on our conference website, so head over there to sign up!