Upcoming R conferences (2022)

The daffodils are out, the sun is shining(ish), spring is in the air! And that means that it’s time to start planning for the conference season.
This year we’ll be treated to a lot more in person conferences for the first time since 2020, but for those of you who either prefer the online formats, or are still a bit hesitant about attending large conferences, fear not! There are many online and hybrid conferences for you to enjoy, and we’ve included a few highlights below.
We also maintain a list of upcoming Rstats conferences, so take a look and see if there’s anything that catches your eye.
WhyR? Turkey (online)
WhyR? Turkey is a conference which aims to bring together Turkish data scientists and R users from around the world to share their knowledge and expertise through talks, panels and workshops.
- 15-17 April: Why R? Turkey 2022
useR! (online)
useR! is aimed at anyone and everyone who uses R in any capacity, from data scientists to students. Including talks, panels, poster sessions and tutorials, this conference has something for everyone, whatever level of R
- 20th - 23th June: useR! 2022
Come and say hi!
Of course, we’re not going to be missing out on all of the fun! This year we’ll be attending several conferences, so keep an eye out to come and say hi, or to get your hands on one of the legendary Jumping Rivers coasters.
Big Data Belfast
This one day conference hosted in the heart of Belfast is an opportunity for data scientists and business leaders from a wide array of industries to come together, network, exchange ideas and learn how data science can benefit them in their day-to-day work.
- 25th May: Big Data Belfast - Belfast, UK
rstudio::conf is back in person this year, this time in Washington DC. This conference is a great opportunity for anyone who uses RStudio to meet up, attend workshops and talks from RStudio experts to learn new and exciting things and generally discuss all things RStudio. We’ll be attending this one, so if you see us around feel free to say hello.
- 25th-28th July: rstudio::conf - Washington DC, USA
The EARL conference is also now back in person in London. This conference caters to everyone who uses R for real world applications. If you use R as part of your work, EARL is for you. Keep an eye out for Jumping Rivers’ presence at this one, as we’ll be exhibiting.
- 6th-8th September: EARL Conference 2022 - London, UK
RSS International
The Royal Statistical Society international conference is taking place in person in Aberdeen this year. This one is aimed at anyone interested in statistics or data science, and is a place for people from all over the world to come together and share their knowledge and experience. We’ll be exhibiting at this one, so come say hello.
- 12th-15th September: RSS International Conference 2022 - Aberdeen, UK