Upcoming R conferences (2018)

It’s that time of year when we need to start thinking about what R Conferences we would like to (and can!) attend. To help plan your (ahem) work trips, we thought it would be useful to list the upcoming main attractions.
We maintain a list of upcoming rstats conferences. To keep up to date, just follow our twitter bot.
rstudio::conf (San Diego, USA)
rstudio::conf is about all things R and RStudio
The next RStudio conference is held in San Diego, and boosts top quality speakers from around the R world. With excellent tutorials and great talks, this is certainly one of the top events. The estimated cost is around $200 per day, so not the cheapest options, but worthwhile.
- January 31, Feb 1-3: rstudio::conf. San Diego, USA.
SatRday (Cape Town, South Africa)
An opportunity to hear from and network with top Researchers, Data Scientists and Developers from the R community in South Africa and beyond.
This workshop combines an amazing location, with great speakers and at an amazing price (only $70 per day). The key note speakers are Maëlle Salmon and Stephanie Kovalchik. This years SatRday has two tutorials, one on package building the other on sports modelling.
- March 17th: SatRday. Cape Town, South Africa.
The European R Users Meeting, eRum, is an international conference that aims at integrating users of the R language living in Europe. This conference is similar to useR!.
- May: The European #rstats Users Meeting. Budapest, Hungary. @erum2018
R/Finance 2018 (Chicago, USA)
From the inaugural conference in 2009, the annual R/Finance conference in Chicago has become the primary meeting for academics and practitioners interested in using R in Finance. Participants from academia and industry mingle for two days to exchange ideas about current research, best practices and applications. A single-track program permits continued focus on a series of refereed submissions. We hear there is a lively social program rounds out the event.
- June 1-2: R/Finance 2018. Chicago, USA.
useR! 2018 (Brisbane, Australia)
With useR! 2017 spanning over 5 days and boasting some of the biggest names in data science, the next instalment of the useR! series is sure to be even better. Last year the program was packed with speakers, programmes and tutorials from industry and academia. Each day usually containing numerous tutorials and usually ends in a keynote speech followed by dinner(!). Registration is open in January 2018.
- July 10-13: useR! 2018. Brisbane, Australia.
Noreast’R Conference (North East USA)
Born on Twitter, the Noreast’R Conference is a grass roots effort to organize a regional #rstats conference in the Northeastern United States. Work is currently under way and further details will follow on the Noreast’R website and twitter page (linked below).