Open-source Data Science

Many organisations have embarked on the move from proprietary analytics tools such as SAS, SPSS and even Excel to open-source technologies such as R and Python, and for good reason!

Benefits of utilising these tools include savings on licence fees, access to free, reusable functionality in the form of pre-built packages, and huge global communities offering advice and support with leading edge software features.

Logos of R, Python and Scala

What Can We Do For You?

At Jumping Rivers, our team of data scientists have over 100 years of combined experience in open source technologies such as R and Python. We have helped several companies make the move over to open source technologies, assisting with code writing and review, training in the new technologies, and combinations of the two. We can also help you to recreate your existing workflows in open-source technologies, enabling a seamless transition.

Take a Look for Yourself


Code Migration

Efficiently transfer legacy code to open-source

  • Migrate to open-source
  • Transition from SAS, SPSS, & PowerPoint
  • Structured process
  • Introduce best practices
  • Reduce bugs

Code Review

Assessment of code for best practices

  • Code review and assessment for best practices
  • Implement best coding practices
  • Examine Git workflows
  • Security assessment and vulnerability scanning
  • Explore bug reduction strategies


Streamline your code base

  • Set up Git structure
  • Implement continuous integration to avoid bugs
  • Automate deployment
  • Vulnerability scanning
  • Streamline your code base

To get started, get in touch and our representatives will get back to you to discuss your needs.

Contact us!